Diagnostic Testing
To save you time and reduce your costs, Carient Heart and Vascular offers various options for diagnostic testing in our offices including:
- Cardiac PET/CT Imaging
- Cardiac Stress Test
- Internal Loop Recorder Implants and Extractions
- Vascular Studies
- Echo Vascular Studies
Cardiac PET/CT Imaging – The Gold Standard for Cardiac Stress Testing
Cardiac PET/CT stress imaging can diagnose cardiac disease with greater accuracy and lower radiation exposure than traditional testing. Cardiologists use this exam to evaluate heart health by measuring the blood flow it receives; the results determine if additional treatment is necessary. Cardiac PET/CT imaging provides the most accurate non-invasive means of detecting significant coronary artery disease. It can also reveal injured or dead tissue in your heart that is often the result of a heart attack. Cardiac PET/CT provides accuracy, excellent image quality, and has the ability to detect disease before symptoms are present.
To Learn More Click Here

Stress Test
An exercise stress test does just that – it shows how your heart works under the stress of physical activity, and how well blood circulates throughout your heart during exercise. For the exercise stress test, you will walk on a treadmill while your heart rhythm, blood pressure and breath are measured.
- Do not eat, drink, or smoke two hours prior to your appointment. (Please eat regular meals and drink plenty of fluids the day before your stress test.) If you are a diabetic, please make sure you eat two hours prior to your stress test and bring a snack or juice for after you have completed your test.
- Bring a list of all medications, including the dose and how often you take each of them.
- Bring or wear comfortable shorts or pants and tennis shoes or other rubber soled shoes that will be comfortable to walk in. Please do not wear sandals or other backless shoes.
- Please do not apply lotions or powder to your chest area on the day of your stress test.
- You may wish to bring a towel in the event that you exercise long enough to work up a sweat.
- Please do not take these medications 24 hours prior to your treadmill stress test or stress echocardiogram unless otherwise instructed by your physician:
Acebutolol Adalat CC Atenolol Betapace Bisoprolol Blocadren Timolide Bystolic Calan Cardizem Cd Cartia XT Carteolol Cartrol Carvedilol Coreg Corgard Covera HS Imdur Inderal Inderide Isotopin Labetalol Levatol Lopressor Metoprolol Nadalol Nitroglycerine Normodone Transate Penbutolol Persantine Pindolol Propanolol Sectral Sotalol Tarka Tenormin Tenoretic Timolol Toprol XL Verapamil Verelan Viskin Ziac Zebeta
Single photon emission computed tomography is a nuclear medicine imaging test. SPECT is used for various purposes including identifying symptoms of heart disease as well viewing the status of the heart tissue and any damage done after a heart attack occurs.
Internal Loop Recorder Implants (ILR) and Extractions
An implantable loop recorder, or ILR, is a recording device that is implanted below the skin in your chest. Its purpose is to detect changes in heart rate and hidden rhythms that can cause strokes or fainting. The implant as well as the extraction can be performed as in-office procedures.
Vascular Studies
Vascular studies are tests that use ultrasound to measure the blood flow in your arteries and veins and help to diagnose any vascular conditions that may need treatment.
Renal Artery Ultrasound
- Nothing to eat or drink 8 hours prior to testing time. Medications however may be taken with a small sip of water.
- No lotions or powders on the day of the study.
- Bring your insurance card, insurance referral if required, order from your physician and arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time for registration. Allow approximately 30 minutes for testing.
- In the event you need to change or cancel your appointment, please kindly give 48 hour notice and contact the office at 877-415-4116.
- If you would like a chaperone to be present during your examination, please inform our reception staff. We are happy to accommodate. In the event of the practice is unable to offer you a chaperone at that time, you will be given the option of rebooking for a new date.
Abdominal Aorta Ultrasound
- Nothing to eat or drink 8 hours prior to testing time. Medications however may be taken with a small sip of water.
- No lotions or powders on the day of the study.
- Bring your insurance card, insurance referral if required, order from your physician and arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time for registration. Allow approximately 30 minutes for testing.
- In the event you need to change or cancel your appointment, please kindly give 48 hour notice and contact the office at 877-415-4116.
- If you would like a chaperone to be present during your examination, please inform our reception staff. We are happy to accommodate. In the event of the practice is unable to offer you a chaperone at that time, you will be given the option of rebooking for a new date.